In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the importance of security patching cannot be overstated. It serves as a critical defense mechanism against the ever-growing number of cyber threats targeting vulnerable systems and data. Understanding what is security patching and implementing a strategic patch management process are fundamental steps in safeguarding your organization’s digital assets. This initiative not only enhances your cybersecurity posture but also ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, minimizing potential operational disruptions and financial losses due to security breaches.

This article will guide you through the best practices for establishing an effective security patching cadence for your systems. You will learn about assessing cybersecurity risks related to patch cadence, setting up a comprehensive patch management process, and the importance of monitoring newly reported vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we will discuss how implementing automation can streamline your patch management efforts, alongside strategies for testing and applying patches efficiently. With vulnerability remediation as a focal point, these insights aim to equip you with the knowledge to improve your organization’s resilience against cyber threats.

Understanding Patching Cadence

Patching cadence refers to the frequency and regularity with which your organization applies updates to its systems, networks, and applications to remediate security vulnerabilities. This process is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your IT ecosystem, as every endpoint—be it a server, desktop, or mobile device—operates on software that potentially harbors vulnerabilities exploitable by cybercriminals.

Key Aspects of Patching Cadence

  1. Frequency of Reviews:
    Regular reviews of systems and applications are essential to identify new updates that can close security gaps. The frequency of these reviews should align with the severity of the vulnerabilities and the critical nature of the systems affected.
  2. Understanding Vulnerabilities:
    A significant number of cyberattacks exploit well-known vulnerabilities listed in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. Awareness and timely action on these vulnerabilities are pivotal. For instance, vulnerabilities for which a patch exists were responsible for 60% of data breaches, according to a recent CSOOnline article.
  3. Strategic Implementation:
    Implementing a well-defined patching cadence minimizes the window of vulnerability between the discovery of a vulnerability and its remediation. This systematic update process helps mitigate risks associated with outdated software and protects against potential breaches.

Best Practices for Patching Cadence

  • Prioritize Based on Severity:
    Address critical and high-severity vulnerabilities as soon as possible. Medium-severity vulnerabilities should ideally be patched within 30-45 days, and low-severity ones within 45-90 days.
  • Monitor and Update:
    Regularly track the patching process by measuring metrics such as the percentage of patches applied by the deadline, average, and median time to patch. These metrics provide insights into the effectiveness of your patching strategy.
  • Automate Where Possible:
    Automating the patch management process can significantly enhance the speed and consistency of applying patches. This not only reduces the manual workload but also decreases the likelihood of human error.

By establishing a robust patching cadence, you not only safeguard your organization against known vulnerabilities but also enhance your overall cybersecurity posture. Implementing these practices ensures that your systems are up-to-date and resilient against emerging threats.

Assessing Cybersecurity Risks Related to Patch Cadence

Nearly every digital asset your organization uses to ensure continued productivity relies on software. This includes everything from hardware like servers and routers, which require firmware or operating systems, to applications—even cloud-native ones—that use code to function. The move towards digital transformation incorporates digital assets such as serverless functions and workloads, all of which consist of code. Unfortunately, these digital assets are often left vulnerable due to coding issues that leave them open to cyberattacks.

A significant number of cyberattacks arise from commonly known vulnerabilities listed in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list. This list consists of publicly shared software vulnerabilities, meaning cybercriminals are aware of these issues and actively seek to exploit them. For instance, vulnerabilities for which a security patch existed were responsible for 60% of data breaches, according to a recent CSOOnline article.

In May 2020, the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) released “Alert (AA20-133A) Top Ten Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities” which included the ten most exploited vulnerabilities from 2016-2019, as well as the top vulnerabilities exploited in 2020. This list includes vulnerabilities in widely used systems and applications such as Microsoft Office, Apache Struts, Microsoft SharePoint, Adobe Flash Player, and Microsoft .NET Framework, among others.

The importance of patch management cannot be overstated. It is not just about applying updates; it’s about safeguarding information and ensuring the continuity of operations in the face of constant threats. This process is fundamental to maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of IT systems and data. Effective patch management serves as a critical component of a comprehensive vulnerability management strategy, enabling organizations to proactively address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Patching cadence, or the frequency and regularity with which patches are applied, is a critical metric for ensuring that systems remain secure and up to date. A well-defined patching cadence helps organizations keep pace with the release of new patches, minimizing the window of vulnerability. The strategic implementation of a regular patching cadence significantly reduces exposure to vulnerabilities. By systematically updating systems, organizations can mitigate the risks associated with outdated software and protect against potential breaches.

By understanding and implementing effective patch management processes, businesses and individuals can significantly enhance their protection against the myriad of cyber threats in the digital world. Cybercriminals frequently target known vulnerabilities in software and operating systems. Patch management ensures that these known vulnerabilities are fixed as soon as a patch is available, reducing the risk of being targeted by attackers exploiting these weaknesses.

Setting Up a Patch Management Process

Establishing a robust patch management process is crucial for maintaining the security of your IT systems and networks. This process involves several key steps, starting with identifying all the digital assets within your organization.

Identifying Systems and Networks

The first step in setting up a patch management process is to develop a comprehensive inventory of all software and hardware used across your organization. This includes everything from operating systems and applications to servers and network devices. It’s important to document all digital assets, including those that may not automatically update themselves, such as third-party applications and legacy systems. Regular updates to this inventory ensure that you have a clear understanding of what needs to be protected.

Categorizing by Risk

Once all systems and networks are identified, the next step is to categorize these assets based on the risk they pose. Start by listing the highest risk locations and data that are most likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. This categorization helps in prioritizing patch management efforts, ensuring that the most critical vulnerabilities are addressed first. Assign risk levels to each category to determine which patches are crucial and need immediate deployment. This step is vital as it helps in efficiently allocating resources towards mitigating the most significant threats first.

Establishing a Policy

Creating a formal patch management policy is essential for streamlining the patching process. This policy should outline the procedures for discovering, testing, and applying patches. It should also include guidelines for documenting the entire process, which is crucial for compliance and security audits. The policy should clearly define roles and responsibilities, set forth the frequency of patches based on the severity of vulnerabilities, and describe the testing processes before deployment. Automation tools can be integrated to ensure patches are applied as scheduled, reducing the manual workload and minimizing human error.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your patch management process is efficient and effective, keeping your systems secure against potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach not only protects your data but also enhances your organization’s overall cybersecurity posture.

Monitoring Newly Reported Vulnerabilities

Staying abreast of newly reported vulnerabilities is crucial in maintaining the security integrity of your systems. Here are some effective strategies to ensure you are always updated with the latest security threats and vulnerabilities:

Regularly Check Reputable Cybersecurity News Sources

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to stay informed about emerging threats is by regularly monitoring reputable security news websites and subscribing to industry-leading publications. Sources like The Hacker News, Krebs on Security, Dark Reading, CSO Online, and ZDNet Security offer timely insights, analysis, and updates on emerging threats and vulnerabilities. By subscribing to their newsletters, alerts, or RSS feeds, you can receive regular updates directly to your inbox or preferred app, keeping you at the forefront of cybersecurity developments.

Subscribe to Cybersecurity Alerts and Advisories

Organizations such as the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the US regularly publish alerts about critical vulnerabilities and ongoing threats. Subscribing to these alerts can be a proactive step in receiving real-time updates about vulnerabilities that could affect your systems. These advisories provide detailed information and recommendations for mitigating risks associated with these vulnerabilities.

Continuous Monitoring and Regular Scanning

Implement continuous monitoring and regular scanning of your systems, applications, and networks. This approach helps in identifying and visualizing your attack surface and the security posture of your digital environments, including cloud services and shadow IT. Regular scans allow you to stay up to date on potential risks and ensure that any vulnerabilities are quickly identified and addressed.

Prioritize and Act on Vulnerabilities

Not all vulnerabilities pose an equal threat; therefore, it is essential to prioritize them based on the severity and the potential impact on your organization. Tools like Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) lists and insights from security ratings services can help you identify which vulnerabilities are critical and need immediate attention. Once identified, act swiftly to patch these vulnerabilities to prevent potential breaches.

Collaborate and Educate

Maintaining security is a collaborative effort. Work closely with your security teams, developers, and vendors to ensure vulnerabilities are continuously monitored and effectively addressed. Additionally, educating your employees about the importance of security best practices can play a significant role in safeguarding your organization. Regular training sessions can help in building a security-conscious culture.

By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your organization remains protected against the latest security threats and vulnerabilities, thereby strengthening your overall cybersecurity posture.

Implementing Automation in Patch Management

Automating the patch management process is a transformative step for any organization aiming to enhance its cybersecurity posture. By transitioning from manual to automated systems, you can achieve a more secure, efficient, and reliable patch management operation. Here’s how you can implement automation in your patch management process effectively:

Step 1: Assess Your Current Patch Management Process

Begin by evaluating your existing patch management practices. Identify the manual tasks involved, such as scanning for missing patches, deploying them, and reporting on their status. Understanding these components will help you pinpoint where automation can have the most significant impact.

Step 2: Choose the Right Automated Patch Management Software

Selecting appropriate automated patch management software is crucial. Look for solutions that offer comprehensive capabilities, including:

  • Automated Scanning and Detection: Ensure the software can perform real-time scanning and detect missing patches across all endpoints, regardless of operating system or application type.
  • Deployment Across Multiple Systems: The software should support patch deployment across various operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux, and numerous third-party applications.
  • Geographical Flexibility: With remote work on the rise, choose a solution that can patch systems globally without geographical limitations.

Step 3: Set Up Automated Patch Deployment

Configure your chosen software to automate the deployment of patches. This setup should include:

  • Testing Patches: Before widespread deployment, test patches in a controlled environment to prevent potential disruptions.
  • Prioritizing Patches: Automate the prioritization of patches based on severity to address critical vulnerabilities promptly.
  • Scheduling Deployments: Utilize flexible scheduling options to deploy patches at times that least impact business operations, ensuring continuous productivity.

Step 4: Monitor and Adjust Policies

Continuously monitor the automated process and make adjustments as needed. Effective monitoring involves:

  • Real-Time Updates and Reports: Utilize the software’s capability to provide ongoing updates and detailed reports on the patch management status.
  • Reviewing Deployment Success: Regularly check the success rate of patch deployments and investigate any failures or anomalies.

Step 5: Enhance Security and Compliance

Automated patch management not only secures your network but also assists in maintaining compliance with industry standards. Ensure your system:

  • Records Compliance Data: Automatically records data necessary for compliance, reducing the manual effort required for audits.
  • Updates Compliance Policies: Regularly updates its compliance policies to reflect changes in regulatory requirements.

By implementing these steps, you can streamline your patch management process, reduce the workload on your IT staff, and enhance your organization’s overall security and compliance posture. Automated patch management is a robust solution that addresses the complexities of modern IT environments, enabling more precise and efficient vulnerability management.

Testing and Applying Patches

Testing Patches

Creating a dedicated testing environment that mirrors your production system is fundamental in ensuring the reliability of patches before their deployment. This environment should replicate the live systems’ hardware, software, and configurations and be isolated from production systems to prevent unintended impacts. By setting up a lab environment that closely mimics your real-world production setting, you can safely test patches, avoiding complications that could negatively impact your business operations.

  1. Develop In-depth Test Plans: These plans should validate various aspects of patches, including functionality, security, and compatibility. Incorporate multiple scenarios in your test plans to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  2. Perform Rigorous Testing: Involve stakeholders from different departments such as IT, security, and business units in the testing process. Their input and expertise contribute to a more robust testing process, helping identify and resolve issues before deployment.
  3. Automate Testing Processes: Automating tests can reduce gaps in security updates and ensure that patches fix the identified problems without introducing new issues. Consider using virtualization as part of your testing strategy to replicate production environments and test multiple scenarios efficiently.

Applying Patches

Once patches have been successfully tested and validated, the next step is to apply them to your production systems. It’s crucial to prioritize patches based on their severity and the potential risk they pose to your environment.

  1. Prioritize Critical Patches: Begin with patches that address severe vulnerabilities, especially those with high exploitability, to minimize the window of vulnerability.
  2. Phased Deployment Strategy: Implement patches starting with less critical systems and progressively move to more critical ones. This staged approach allows for quick identification and resolution of any issues that arise during deployment.
  3. Monitor and Document: Keep accurate records of which patches were deployed and communicate any system or operational changes to relevant stakeholders. Monitoring the patch deployment process is essential for ensuring that the patches are applied successfully and function as expected.

By adhering to these structured steps in both testing and applying patches, you can significantly enhance the security and stability of your IT environment. This proactive approach ensures that your systems are safeguarded against potential vulnerabilities, thereby maintaining the integrity and performance of your digital assets.


Throughout this article, we explored the critical nature of patch management and the implementation of an effective security patching cadence to safeguard digital assets from ever-present cyber threats. By establishing a systematic approach to identifying vulnerabilities, testing, and applying necessary patches, organizations can significantly minimize the risk of cyberattacks and ensure the continuity of their operations. Emphasis was placed on the strategic implementation of patching cadences, prioritization of vulnerabilities based on severity, and the transformative power of automation in streamlining the patch management process.

Understanding and adopting these best practices is not merely about compliance or preventing data breaches; it’s fundamentally about fortifying an organization’s cybersecurity posture in a landscape where threats are continuously evolving. The role of ongoing vigilance and education in cybersecurity efforts was underscored, with a call to maintain updated systems and to foster a culture of security awareness within organizations. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of the digital age, adopting a proactive and informed approach to patch management will be pivotal in protecting against the vulnerabilities of tomorrow.


What are the key best practices for managing patches?
Best practices for patch management include several key strategies to enhance system security:

  • Ensuring that both third-party patches and updates are considered.
  • Utilizing automated patching systems or patch automation technology.
  • Ensuring all devices that need patches are identified and included in the patching process.
  • Testing patches thoroughly before full deployment across systems.

What does the term “patching cadence” refer to?
Patching cadence refers to the frequency and timing with which an organization tests and deploys security updates. Best practices suggest that the cadence should be adjusted based on the severity of the vulnerabilities being addressed.

How is patching cadence measured?
Patching cadence is measured by calculating the average time that known vulnerabilities remain unpatched within an organization. This measurement considers the severity of the vulnerabilities, with more critical vulnerabilities impacting the assessment more significantly.

What metrics are used to evaluate patching effectiveness?
Three primary metrics are used to evaluate the effectiveness of patching processes:

  • Mean Time to Detect (MTTD), which measures the speed at which new vulnerabilities are detected and reported.
  • Mean Time to Prioritize (MTTP), which assesses how quickly vulnerabilities are prioritized for patching.
  • Mean Time to Communicate (MTTC), which evaluates the efficiency of communication regarding the patching status, especially for newly discovered issues.

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